2020 Is Coming. Are You Ready?
Are You Thinking Like A CEO?
"This is a fantastic time to be entering the business world, because business is going to change more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 50." -Bill Gates
Make sure you are in the driver's seat. The solo originator or small team controls their own destiny.
-Your clients + your team+ your brand = your $$$$
-You are the CEO
Lenders are controlled by originators and brokers.
-Rates shift up and banks have to report losses and warehouse lines can be called.
-Rates shift up for you and you shift your marketing, work your database, and continue to brand.
The next decade is about following the Quicken and Loan Depot blueprint:
-Advertise Always
-Go consumer direct and refer the deal down
-Control, don't be bound by a referral only model
What is the blueprint to compete for the next decade?
- GREEN TIME (money making activities 3 hours per day)
-TEAM SUPPORT (sell only and delegate and grow)
-MARKETING (do not be left behind in 2020)
Ben Anderson 365 will me rolling out out Marketing Systems for 2020 soon. You won't want to miss out.
STAY TUNED for marketing tips on how to crush it in 2020.
Let's Go Crush it!
-Ben Anderson