7 Secrets. 7 Figures.
Separate yourself from the rest. He or she who reaches the most people, the most often, wins!
How do you use your time? Use it wisely.
- Start originating by 8 am and don't let anything distract you during GREEN TIME
- Stay at home base
- I start my day at 3 am. I am in the office by 5 am and have my day planned by 7am so that by 8 am I am ready to hit the phones
- By 11 am I have already made 150 contacts, dropped a voice drop campaign, sent a mass text, and launched a marketing campaign.
Do you nurture your relationships?
- Your clients come first; they are irreplaceable.
- A business partnership is not forever, but family is. I treat my clients like family
- I call my family all the time. Most just call their customers when rates drop.
- Your team, underwriters, ops team, escrow, notary, and referral partners come second
How well do you move on?
- Don't dwell on anything!
- Use the front windshield vs. rearview mentality
- I don't care if I lose a deal, even at docs
- While most people complain I move on
Do you delegate?
- Move all non-sales tasks to your team
- Run your team like a CEO
- The only things I do are what nobody else can do
- I make sure my support team has a voice
Do you have a marketing plan?
- Do you have a personal website or landing page?
- Do you have a marketing system in place?
- When you market you are in business, Always
Is Hunger what drives you?
- Find the pain and low times and use that to drive you to success
- Pay the rent everyday
- Never forget the pain and low times
Do you have a database?
- Keep track and never lose a client
- Average homeowner does 9.6 loans in their life. How many can you do?
- Touch each client 2 times per year directly and 4 times a year with marketing
He or she that spends the most time focusing on money making activities, focusing on the customer, delegating and marketing consistently, stays hungry and grows the biggest data base becomes the most successful.
Let's Go Crush it!
-Ben Anderson